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MAN-SYSTEMS INTEGRATION STANDARDS Print this page Click to print the page

Appendix A - Bibliography

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This bibliography includes all of the human engineering standards, data books, and technical documents that were reviewed to obtain the human-systems integration design considerations, requirements, and examples given in this document. The references that are cited as source documents for either the text or figures are noted by having an asterisk located after the reference number. Those references that are not so notated were given due consideration but found not to have data appropriate for these standards.

In the following listing, the reference citation is as follows:

Reference No., Document No., Used by Originator, Author (if cited), Document Title, (Document Title Line 2, if required), Prepared by, Published by, Publication Date.

Note on Applicable Revisions - Whenever a reference document is cited in the REQUIREMENTS paragraphs, the specific document revision cited in this Appendix A is the only version to be used even though there may be later revisions than the one cited.

1  * MSFC-STD-512A, Stokes, J.W. ,Man/System Requirements for Weightless Environments Airesearch Mfg. Co., NASA-MSFC, 11/25/76.

2  * MIL-STD-1472C, Notices 1 and 2 Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, DOD, C Revision 05/02/81, (Notice 3 3/17/87).

3  * JSC-07387B, Langdoc, W.A., Crew Station Specifications, (See references 193 thru 202 for specifications contained herein), NASA-JSC, 5-6-3.

4  * D180-19063-1, Farrell, R.J., Booth, J.M. ,Design Handbook for Imagery Interpretation Equipment Boeing Aerospace Co., 2-84.

5  * MSFC-STD-267, A Human Engineering Design Criteria, NASA-MSFC, 09-23-66.

6  * ED-2002-210 , Tobias, L. Apollo Applications Program Payload Integration Technical Study and Analysis Report, Bendix Corp., 11/30/67.

7  * JSC-14581, Griffin, B.N., The Influence of Zero-g and Acceleration on the Human Factors of Spacecraft Design , NASA-JSC, 8-78.

8  * HEL STD 5-6-66 , Chaillet, R.F., Honiafeld, A.R., Human Factors Engineering Design Standard for Wheeled Vehicles (Superseded by MIL-HDBK-759, Ref. 15), Technical Spec Office/Systems Res. Lab, ARMY-HEL, 9-66.

9  * NASA CR-1205(I), Roth, E.M., Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment:, Volume I , Lovelace Foundation for Med Ed & Resch., NASA, 11-68.

10  * NASA CR-1205(II), Roth, E.M. , Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment: Volume II , Lovelace Foundation for Med Ed & Research, NASA, 11-68.

11  * NASA CR-1205(III) Roth, E.M. , Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment: Volume III, Lovelace Foundation for Med Ed & Research, NASA, 11-68.

12   White, R.M. , Anthropometric Survey of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam, U.S. Army Natick R&D Laboratories, Adv. Res. Proj. Agency, 10-64.

13   MIL-STD-1333A , Aircrew Station Geometry for Military Aircraft Naval Air Systems Command, DOD, 06/30/76.

14   DOD-HDBK-743, Anthropometry of U.S. Military Personnel, U.S. Army Natick R&D Laboratories, DOD, 10/03/80.

15  * MIL-HDBK-759A (MI), Human Factors Engineering Design for Army Material, U.S. Army Human Engineering Lab, DOD, 6-30-81.

16  * NASA RP 1024, Anthropometric Source Book: Volume 1: Anthropometry for Designers Anthropology Staff/Webb Associates, NASA, 7-78.

17  * NASA TM X-62, 101, Haines, R.F., Barrt, A.E., Zahn, J.R., Cederwall, F.T., Human Performance Capabilities in Simulated Space Station Concordia College, San Jose State, NASA-ARC 1-72.

18  * AFSC DH 1-2 ,General Design Factors Dept. of the Air Force, HQ A/F Systems Command, 02/20/74.

19  * AFSC DH 1-3, Human Factors Engineering Dept. of the Air Force, HQ A/F Systems Command, 01/01/72.

20   AFSC DH 1-5, Environmental Engineering Dept. of the Air Force ,HQ A/F Systems Command, 03/10/74.

21  * AFSC DH 1-6, System Safety Dept. of the Air Force HQ A/F Systems Command, 12/20/78.

22  * AFSC DH 2-2 ,Crew Stations and Passenger Accommodations Dept. of the Air Force, HQ A/F Systems Command, 05/01/72.

23   AMRL-TR-69-6 , Alexander, M., Garrett, J.W., Flannery, M. P., Anthropometric Dimensions of A/F Pressure-Suited Personnel for Workspace and Aerospace, Medical Research Laboratory Air Force Systems Command, 8-69.

24  * NHB 8060.1B , Flammability, Odor Offgassing Requirements and Test Proc. for Materials in Environment Office of Space Transportation Systems Office of Space Transportation Systems, NASA, 9-81.

25  * MIL-A-8806A, Acoustical Noise Level in Aircraft, General Specification for DOD, 07/11/66.

26 MIL-STD-783B, Legends for Use in Aircrew Stations and on Airborne Equipment DOD, 10/31/69.

27 MIL-C-8779D, Colors, Interior, Aircraft, Requirements for DOD, 08/23/71.

28 MIL-M-18012B, Markings for Aircrew Station Displays, Design and Configuration of DOD, 07/20/64.

29  * MIL-S-008806B, Sound Pressure Levels in Aircraft, General Specification for Dept. of the Air Force, 09/21/70.

30 MIL-STD-411D, Aircrew Station Signals Naval Air Systems Command DOD, 06/30/70.

31 MIL-STD-203F, Aircrew Station Control and Displays: Assignment Location and Actuation of, for Fixed Wing Naval Air Systems Command DOD, 12/28/73.

32 MIL-L-5667B, Lighting Equipment, Aircraft Instrument Panel: General Specification for Installation of USAF, 02/04/64.

33 MIL-L-18276C, Lighting, Aircraft Interior, Installation of DOD, 06/19/64.

34 MIL-STD-12D, Abbreviations for use on Drawings Specifications, Standards and in Technical Documents, U. S. Army Armament R&D Command DOD, 06/15/68.

35 D-NA-0002, Procedures and Requirements for Flammability and Offgassing Evaluation Manned Spacecraft Nonmetallic Materials, NASA/JSC, 07/18/68.

36  * AFFDL-TR-70-174, Semple, C.A., Heapy, R.J., Conway, E.J., Burnette, K.T., Analysis of Human Factors Data for Electronic Flight Display Systems, Manned Systems Sciences, Inc., A/F Flight Dynamics Lab.

37  * TBD , Space Station Human Productivity Requirements, Lockheed, NASA/JSC.

38 AFR 161-35 Briftofd, D. , Hazardous Noise Exposure, HQ AFMSC/SGPA HQ AFMSC/SGP, 04/09/82.

39 MIL-STD-740B, Airborne and Structureborne Noise Measurements and Acceptance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment ,NAVY - SH USN, 01/13/65. (This standard was superseded by MIL-STD-740-1, Airborne Sound Measurements and Acceptance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment, and MIL-STD-740-2, Equipment Structureborne Vibratory Measurements and Acceptance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment, 12/30/86).

40 MIL-T-23991T, Training Devices, Military: General Specification for, NAVY (TD) DOD, 02/20/74.

41 MIL-STD-195, Marking of Connections for Electric Assemblies Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, DOD, 10/20/55.

42  * NASA CR 3857, Peerly, R.L. Jr., Rockoff, L.A., Raasch, R.F., Space Station Crew Safety Alternatives Study - Final Report, Rockwell Intl. , NASA-Langley Research Center, 6-85.

43 Fed. Std. No. 3, Colors, Aeronautical Lighting Federal Supply Services, GSA, 08/27/51.

44  * MIL-A-25165B, Aircraft Emergency Escape System, Identification of Bureau of Naval Weapons, DOD, 10/05/64.

45 MIL-C-25050, A Color, Aeronautical Lights and Lighting Equipment, General Requirements for Bureau of Naval Weapons, DOD, 12/02/63.

46 MIL-STD-45662 Calibration Systems Requirements Dept. of the Army - MI DOD, 06/10/80.

47  * MIL-I-38038A Instrument Lighting System, Electro-Luminescent, General Specification for USAF, 02/13/63.

48 MIL-L-006730C Lighting Equipment; Exterior, Aircraft, General Requirements for Naval Air Systems Command Dept. of Navy, 05/17/71.

49 MIL-L-25467D Lighting, Integral, Red, Aircraft Instrument, General Specification for Naval Air Systems Command DOD, 06/12/77.


Section 50 - 99

50  * MIL-L-27160C Lighting, Instrument, Integral, White, General Specification for USAF, 07/31/75.

51 MIL-P-21563B Paint System, Fluorescent, for Aircraft Application Bureau of Naval Weapons DOD, 12/11/62.

52 MIL-P-7788E Panels, Information, Integrally Illuminated Naval Air Systems Command DOD, 04/16/79.

53 MIL-STD-1180A, Safety Standards for Military Ground Vehicles, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, DOD, 01/26/83.

54 MIL-STD-1280, Keyboard Arrangements U.S. Army Electronics Command, DOD, 01/28/69.

55 MIL-STD-1348 Knobs, Control, Selection of Naval Electronic Systems Command DOD, 07/30/69.

56 MIL-STD-143B Standards and Specifications, Order of Precedence for the Selection of Aeronautical Systems Division, DOD, 11/12/69, (This standard was superseded by MIL-STD-970, Standards and Specifications, Order of Preference for the Selection of Aeronautical Systems Division, 10/1/87).

57 MIL-STD-1473A, Standard General Requirements for Color and Marking of Army Material, Dept of the Army (MI), DOD, 02/10/76.

58  * MIL-STD-1474B, Noise Limits for Army Material US Army-Missile Research and Dev. Command, DOD, B Revision, 06/18/79 (Notice 2 - 04/20/84).

59 MIL-HDBK-141, Optical Design Defense Supply Agency, DOD, 10/05/62.

60 NASA SP-7, Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use Scientific & Technical Information Div., NASA.

61  * ANSI S1.1-1960, Acoustical Terminology Acoustical Society of America American Standards Association, 05/25/60.

62  * ASTM E308, Computing the Color of Objects by Using the CIE System, ASTM.

63 NASA TM-82585 , William W. Vaughan, Natural Environment Criteria for the Space Station Program Definition Phase Atmosphere Sciences Division/Systems, Dynamics Lab, NASA, 3-18-53.

64 MIL-STD-1179B, Lamps, Reflectors and Associated Signaling Equipment for Military Vehicles, US Army Tank Automotive Command, DOD, 09/14/82.

65 MSFC-STD-350A, Abbreviations for Use on Drawings NASA-MSFC, NASA, 06/26/67.

66 Society of Automotive Engineers J185, Access Systems for Off-road Machines Off-road Machinery Technical Committee, Society of Automotive Engineers, 6-8-85.

67 Society of Automotive Engineers J925, Minimum Service Access Dimensions for Off-road Machines Const. & Ind. Machinery Tech. Committee ,Society of Automotive Engineers, 10-25-84.

68 Society of Automotive Engineers J833 USA, Human Physical Dimensions Const. & Ind. Machinery Tech. Committee, Society of Automotive Engineers, 12-83.

69 MH01-05175-414, Panel Controls (CM/LEM Control and Display Standardization), North American Aviation, 06/15/65.

70 MH01-05176-414, Display Faces (CM/LM Control and Display Standardization), North American Aviation, 06/15/65.

71 MH01-05178-414, Annunciator and Electromechanical Status Indicator, North American Aviation, 06/15/65.

72 MH01-05174-414, Nomenclature, Markings and Color, North American Aviation, 08/26/65.

73 MH01-01388-416, Interior Lighting Functional Performance Criteria, North American Aviation, 07/30/65.

74 MF0004-050, J. T. Horton Panel Design Criteria and Guidelines - Controls and Displays - Orbiter, Rockwell International - Space Division, 10/15/76.

75 ANSI S1.4-1971, Writing Group S1-W-45 Specification for Sound Level Meters Acoustical Society of America, ANSI, 04/27/71.

76 ANSI/IEEE STD 260-1978, IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement Int. Electrotech. Comm., IEEE, 12/29/78.

77 ANSI Y10.20.1975, Mathematical Signs and Symbols for Use in Physical Sciences and Technology, ASME, 10/15/75.

78  * NASA CR-1726, Marton, T., Rudek, F.P., Miller, R.A., Norman, D.G., Handbook of Human Eng. Design Data for Reduced Gravity Conditions, General Electric Co. NASA, MSFC.

79  * NASA CR-3751, Shields, N.L. Analysis of Large Space Structures Assembly Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 12-83.

80 NASA SP-5093, Athey, S. W. Acoustics Technology - A Survey Technology Utilization, Division Office of Tech Utilization, NASA.

81 NASA SP-7012, Mechtly, E. A. The Intl. System of Units Physical Constants and Conversion Factors, Scientific and Technical Information Office, NASA.

82 NHB 1700.7, Safety Policy and Requirements for Payloads Using the Shuttle Transportation System, NASA.

83 D6-49958, Farrell, R. J., Guidelines for CRT Workstations Boeing Commercial Airplane, 03/22/82.

84 VOL.27, #2, APRIL 1985, Simpson, C.A., et al., System Design for Speech Recognition and Generation Human Factors Society, Inc., Human Factors, 4-85.

85 ANSI S1.6-1967, Preferred Frequencies and Band Numbers for Acoustical Measurements Acoustical Society of America, ANSI, 03/17/67.

86  * NASA SP-483, Connors, M. M., Harrison, A. A., Akins, F. R., Living Aloft: Human Requirements for Extended Space Flight, Ames Research Center, NASA, 2-76.

87 Personnel and CE Equipment Shock Tolerance - Final Report, U.S. Army Communications Command, Boeing Aerospace Company.

88 Harris, C. M. Crede, C. E., Shock and Vibration Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Company

89  * NASA-TM-85355, Shuttle EVA Description and Design Criteria (Superseded by JSC-10615, Ref. 100), NASA.

90  * JSCM 8080, Manned Spacecraft Criteria and Standards, JSC NASA, 04/26/71.

91 MIL-STD-250D, Aircrew Station Controls and Displays for Rotary Wing Aircraft, DOD, 08/28/74.

92  * NASA-SP-3006, Parker, J.F., Wext, V.R. ,Bioastronautics Data Book, Biotechnology, Inc., Office of Naval Research/NASA.

93 ANSI Y10.3-1968 Letter Symbols for Quantities used in Mechanics of Solids, ANSI, ASME, 10/29/68.

94 ANSI/IEEE STD 289-1985, IEEE Std. Letter Symbols for Quantities used in Electrical Science and Engineering, IEEE Standards Coordination Committee 14, IEEE, 12/12/84.

95 NAS 1282, Hook, Snap, Bolt, Natl. Aero Standards Committee, AIAA, 06/30/66.

96 ESSEX-H-82-04, Shields, N., Pruett, E., Human Factors and Space Technology: Notes on Space Related Human Factors R&D, History, Facilities, et al., Essex, 08/26/82.

97 MSFC-PROC-711A, Spacelab Display Design and Command Usage Guidelines, Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 1-79.

98 ISO Standards Handbook 4, Acoustics, Vibration and Shock, ISO.

99 MCR-70-446, Rosener, A. A., et al, Architectural/Environmental Handbook for Extra-terrestrial Design, Martin Marietta Corporation, 11-70.


Section 100 - 149

100  * JSC-10615, Shuttle EVA Description and Design Criteria, Crew Training & Procedures Div - NASA, NASA-JSC, 5-83.

101  * ISO 2631-1978(E), Guide for the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration, ISO, 01/15/78.

102  * Kirkpatrick, M., Malone, T., Shields, N., Earth Orbital Teleoperator Visual System Evaluation Program (Report 1), Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 3-73.

103 H-84-04, Shields, N., Fagg, M., Analysis and Selection of a Remote Docking Simulation Visual Display System, Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 4-84.

104 H-82-01/H-82-01.1, Shields, N., Piccione, F., Malone, T., et al, Human Operator Performance of Remotely Controlled Tasks, Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 3-82.

105 Brye, R., Kirkpatrick, M., Malone, T., Shields, N., Earth Orbital Teloperator Manipulator System Evaluation Program (Report 3), Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 2-76.

106 H-77-2, Brye, R., Frederick, P., Malone, T., Shields, N., Earth Orbital Teloperator Manipulator System Evaluation Program (Report 4), Essex Corp., NASA-MSFC, 01/28/77.

107  * JSC 19617, Mitchell, J. P., Crew Interface Panel Space Station Habitability Requirements Document, NASA-JSC, 12-83.

108  * NASA TM X-64825, MSFC Skylab Crew Systems Mission Evaluation, System Analysis and Integration Lab, NASA-MSFC, 8-74.

109 NATICK/TR-77/024, Anthropometry of Women of the U.S. Army - 1977, Rep. 2 - Basic Univariate Statistic, Webb Associates, Inc., US Army Natick R&D CMD, 1977.

110 AMRL-TR-70-5, Clauser, C., McConville, J., Tucker, P., et al., Anthropometry of Air Force Women, AMRL.

111  * Woodson, Wesley E., Human Factors Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 5-81.

112 Society of Automotive Engineers J898, Control Locations far Off-Road Work Machines Transactions: Society of Automotive Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, 7/82.

113 Lessons Learned on the Skylab Program - Headquarters, HQ Skylab Program Office Eng. Direc., NASA-HQ, 11-74.

114  * Lessons Learned on the Skylab Program - MSFC, MSFC Skylab Program Office, NASA-MSFC, 2-22-74.

115  * JSC-09535, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 1 - Translation Modes and Bump Protection, NASA-JSC, 6-74.

116 JSC-09537, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 3 - Architectural, Evaluation of Sleeping Quarters NASA-JSC, 7-74.

117 JSC-09538, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 4 - Design, Characteristics of the Sleep Restraints NASA-JSC, 7-74.

118 JSC-09539, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 5 - In-flight Maintenance, NASA-JSC, 9-74

119  * JSC-09540, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 6 - Space Garments for IVA Wear, NASA-JSC, 8-74.

120 JSC-09541, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 7 - IVA Personal Restraints, NASA-JSC, 10-74.

121 JSC-09542, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 8 - Cleaning Provisions within the Waste Management Compartment, NASA-JSC, 10-74.

122 JSC-09543, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 9 - Foot Restraint Systems, NASA-JSC, 12-74.

123 JSC-09544, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 10 - Body Restraint Systems, NASA-JSC, 12-74

124  * JSC-09545, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 11 - Personal Mobility Aids, NASA-JSC, 1-75

125  * JSC-09546, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 12 - Temporary Equipment Restraints, NASA-JSC, 2-75

126 JSC-09547, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 13 - Tools, Test Equipment, and Considerations for In-flight Maintenance, NASA-JSC, 11-74

127 JSC-09548, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 14 - Personal Hygiene Equipment, NASA-JSC, 1-75

128 JSC-09549, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 15 - Cable Management in Zero-G, NASA-JSC, 9-75

129  * JSC-09551, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 17 - Neutral Body Posture in Zero G, NASA-JSC, 7-75

130  * JSC-09552, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 18 - Evaluation of Skylab IVA Architecture, NASA-JSC, 12-75

131  * JSC-09553, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 19 - Food System, NASA-JSC, 2-76

132  * JSC-09561, Skylab Experience Bulletin No. 27 - Personnel, and Equipment Restraints and Mobility Aids, NASA-JSC, 5-75

133 MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 1, Mobility and Restraint,NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

134  * MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 2, Architecture and Environment NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

135 MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 2, Architecture and Environment, Supplement 2, NASA-MSFC, 4-72

136 MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 2, Architecture and Environment, Supplement 2, NASA-MSFC, 5-73

137  * MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 3, Housekeeping, NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

138  * MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 4, Food Management, NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

139  * MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 5, Garments and Ancillary Equipment, NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

140 MSC-03909, Habitability Data Handbook - Vol. 6, Personal Hygiene, NASA-MSFC, 7-31-71

141 70-6651, Habitability Guidelines and Criteria, Airesearch Mfg. Co., NASA-MSFC, 1-7-71

142  * NASA SP-3006, Webb, P. ,Bioastronautics Data Book, Webb Associates, NASA, 1964

143  * NASA SP-3006, Parker, J., West, V., Bioastronautics Data Book - Second Ed., Biotechnology, Inc., NASA, 1973

144 MDC H0843, Initial Spacelab VFT Report, Vol. V, Habitability McDonnell Douglas Corp. 9-84

145 JSC-20466, EVA Catalog - Tools and Equipment, NASA-JSC, 11-4-85

146  * D180-27863-2 II, System Analysis Study of Space Platform and Station Accommodations For Life Sciences Research Facilities, Boeing Aerospace Co., 10-85

147 Human Capabilities in Space, Life Sciences Div., NASA-HQ, 3-84

148 NASA Ref Pub 1045, Waligora, J.M. The Physiological Basis for Spacecraft, Environmental Limits, NASA-JSC, NASA, 1979

149 SR-ER-0003, Habitability and Human Engineering, ERNO, 3-81


Section 150 - 199

150  * JSC-12770, Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, NASA-JSC, 8-16-85

151 Calvin, M., and Gazenko, O. Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine - Vol. I, NASA 1975

152 Calvin, M., and Gazenko, O. Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine - Vol. II, Book 1, NASA 1975

153 Calvin, M., and Gazenko, O., Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine - Vol. II, Book 2, NASA, 1975

154 Calvin, M., and Gazenko, O. ,Foundation of Space Biology and Medicine - Vol. III, NASA, 1975

155  * MSFC-STD-512, Standard Man/System Design Criteria for Manned Orbiting Payloads, NASA-MSFC, 8-12-74

156  * JSC-09096 Lessons Learned on the Skylab Program - JSC, NASA-JSC, 7-18-74

157  * Van Cott, H.P., and Kinkade, R.G., Human Engineering Guide to Equipment Design, US Government Printing Office, 1972

158  * Approaches to the Design of the Housekeeping System for the Space Station, LEMSCO, NASA-JSC, 3-18-85

159  * JSC-07387B, SC-S-0014, Crew Station Specifications - In-flight Stowage Management Data Requirements, NASA-JSC, 10-72

160  * JSC-07387B, SC-S-0011, Crew Station Specification - Loose Equipment and Stowage Management Requirement, NASA-JSC, 10-72

161 JSC-302XX, Space Station Program - Phase B Commonality Plan, Space Station Program Office, NASA-JSC 11-22-85

162 TM X-53957, Weidner, D. K. Space Environment Criteria Guidelines for Use in Space Vehicle Development, NASA-MSFC, 10-17-69

163  * Sinclair, W. K., Radiation Safety Standards: Space Hazards vs. Terrestrial Hazards, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 3, No. 8, 1983

164  * Sinclair, W. K., Radiation Risk Estimation and Its Application to Human Beings in Space, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 4, No. 10, 1984

165 Shoenberger, R. W., Research Related to the Expansion and Improvement of Human Vibration Exposure Criteria, Shock and Vibration Bulletin, 9-79

166 Bangs, W.F., Development of STS Payload Environmental Engineering Standards, Proc. Inst. of Env. Science, NASA-GSFC, 1981

167 Ewing, D.E., A Space Radiation Monitoring System for Support of Manned Space Flight, Intl. Astronautical Congress - Vol. 5, Kirtland AFB. 1966

168 Edman, T.R., Human Factors Guidelines for the Use of Synthetic Speech Devices, Proc. Human Factors Society, Human Factors Society, 1982

169 Courtney, A.J., and Ng, M.K., Hong Kong Female Hand Dimensions and Machine Grinding, Ergonomics, Vol. 2,7, No. 2, 1984

170 Ramsey, H.R., Human Factors and Artificial Gravity: A Review Human Factors, 13(6), Human Factors Society, 1971

171 Haines, R.F., A Review of Peripheral Vision Capabilities for Display Layout Designers, Proc. of S.I.D., Vol. 16/4, 1975

172 Haines, R.F., Color Design for Habitability, Northwest Architect, 4-74

173 Haines, R.F., Bartz, A.E., and Zahn, J.R., An Investigation of Visual Performance Capabilities in a Space Station-Like Environment, Proc. Aerospace Medical Association, 4-28-71

174 Haines, R.F., and Gillaland, K., Response Time in the Full Visual Field, Journal of Applied Psych, Vol. 58, No. 3, 12-73

175 Haines, R. F., Visual Response Time to Colored Stimuli in Peripheral Retina: Evidence for Binocular Summation, American Journal of Optometry and Physiology Op., Vol. 54, No. 6, 6-77.

176 Haines, R.F., and Allen, W.H., Irradiation and Manual Navigation, Navigation, 1969.

177 Haines, R.F., Detection Time to a Point Source of Light Appearing in a Star Field Background With and Without a Glare Source Present, Human Factors Society, 10-68.

178  * NASA TM 88233 (1986), Haines, R.F. Space Station Proximity Operations Windows: Human Factors Design Guidelines, NASA-ARC, 1986

179  * CONF-7809164, Schimmerling, W., and Curtis, S.B., Workshop on the Radiation Environment of the Satellite Power System (SPS), Satellite Power System Project, DOE, 12-79

180  * American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display Terminal Workstations (DRAFT), Human Factors Society, 4-20-85

181 Muckler, F.A., Human Factors Review: 1984, Human Factors Society, 1984

182  * Boff, E.R., and Lincoln, J.E., Engineering Data Compendium: Human Perception and Performance, USAF-WPAFB, DRAFT

183 CONF-830609-64, Clarke, M., Hamel, W., and Draper, J. Human Factors in Remote Control Engineering Development Activities, Union Carbide Co., American Nuclear Society, 6-83

184 Shea, M.L. Proceedings of the Submarine Atmosphere Contaminant Workshop, Naval Submarine Medical Research Lab., USN, 9-83

185 C1, HEL, Hendricks, D.E., et al, Human Engineering Guidelines for Management Information Systems (See Ref. 279 for final revised document issued as DOD-HDBK-761), US Army Human Engineering Lab., US Army 6-1-83

186 NASA CR-172590, White, R.W., and Parks, D.L., Study to Determine Potential Flight Applications and Human Factors Design Guidelines for Voice Recognition and Synthesis Systems, Boeing Commercial Airplane Co., NASA-LaRC, 7-85

187 MS254V1003, Space Shuttle Orbiter Waste Collection System Conceptual Study, Fairchild Corp., NASA-JSC, 1-18-85.

188 Radiological Health Handbook, Bureau of Radiological He, 1970.

189  * Grahn, D., HZE-Particle Effects in Manned Space Flight, National Academy of Science, 1973.

190 NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 76-06, Sawyer, D.M., and Vette, J.I.. AP-8 Trapped Proton Environment for Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum, NSSDC, 12-76.

191 NSSDC 72-06, Singley, G.W., and Vette, J.I., The AE-4 Model of the Outer Radiation Zone Electron Environment, NSSDC, 8-72.

192 NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 76-04, Teague, M.J., Chan, E.W., and Vette, J.I., AE-6: A Model Environment of Trapped Electrons for Solar Maximum, NSSDC, 5-76.

193  * JSC-07387B, SC-D-0007B, Langdoc, W.A., Crew Station Specifications - Displays, NASA-JSC, 1-82.

194  * JSC-07387B, SC-C-0005B, Langdoc, W.A. Crew Station Specifications- Controls, NASA-JSC, 1-82.

195  * JSC-07387B, SC-M-0003, Wheelwright, C. D., Crew Station Specifications - Markings, NASA-JSC, 8-81.

196 JSC-07387B, SC-A-0004B, Langdoc, W. A., Crew Station Specifications - Abbreviations, NASA-JSC, 8-81.

197 JSC-07387B, SC-D-0001, Nussman, D. A., Crew Station Specifications - Metal Foil Decals, NASA-JSC, 02/16/71.

198  * JSC-07387B, SC-E-0010, Wheelwright, C. D., Crew Station Specifications - Environmental Criteria, NASA-JSC, 9-81.

199  * JSC-07387B, SC-L-0002B, Wheelwright, C. D., Crew Station Specifications - Lighting, NASA-JSC, 9-81.


Section 200 - 249

200  * JSC-07387B, SC-E-0006, Smith, J. R., Crew Station Specifications - EVA/IVA Support Equipment, NASA-JSC, 12/01/72.

201  * JSC-07387B, SC-C-0009, Franklin, G. C. Crew Station Specifications - Operation Location Coding Form Crew Interfaces, NASA-JSC, 4-10-72.

202 JSC-07387B, SC-C-0009, S1, Hix, M. W., Crew Station Specifications - Exterior Location Coding, NASA-JSC, 01/03/77.

203 NASA CR-3857, APP. C, Peerly, R.L., Rockoff, L. A., and Raasch, R. F., Space Station Crew Safety Alternatives Study - Final Report, Appendix C, Rockwell International, NASA - LaRC, 6-85

204  * NASA CR-3855, APP. D, Peercy, R. L., Raasch, R. F., and Rockoff, L. A., Space Station Crew Safety Alternatives Study - Final Report, Appendix D, Rockwell International, NASA - LaRC, 6-85

205 NASA CR-3855, App. E, Peerly, R. L., Rockoff, L. A., and Raasch, R. F., Space Station Crew Safety Alternatives, Study - Final Report, Appendix E, Rockwell International, NASA - LaRC, 6-85

206  * NASA CR-3855, Vol. II, Raasch, R. F., Peercy, R. L., and Rockoff, L. A., Space Station Crew Safety Alternatives Study, Final Report Vol. II - Threat Development, Rockwell International, NASA - LaRC, 6-85

207  * ESD-TR-83-122, Smith, S. L., and Aucella, A. F., Design Guidelines for the User Interface to Computer-Based Information Systems, The MITRE Corp., AFSC, 3-83

208  * NASA SP-447, Nicogossian, A.E., and Parker, J.F., Space Physiology and Medicine, NASA

209  * NASA TN D-6600, Burrell, M. O., and Wright, J. J., The Estimation of Galactic Cosmic Ray, Penetration and Dose Rates, NASA-MSFC, NASA, 3-73

210  * Mewaldt, R. A., The Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Galactic Cosmic Ray Nuclei (Paper 2R1868), Rev. of Geophysics and Space Physics, AGU, 3-83

211 McGuire, R. E., et al, Solar Flare Particle Fluences During Solar Cycles 19, 20, and 21, Proc. of 18th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conference, NASA - GSFC, 1983

212 STP-84-4, Data Announcement: World Data Center-A, Archive of Zurich and International Sunspot Numbers, National Geophysics Data Center, NOAA, 3-85

213  * NASA CR-174696, Silverman, S.W., Willenberg, H.J. & Robertson, C., Applicability of 100 KWe Class of Space Reactor Power Systems to NASA Manned Space Station Missions, Boeing Aerospace Company, NASA - LeRC, 8-84

214  * 94SSV154970, Hill, R. E. Space Shuttle Orbiter Crew Compartment Acoustic Noise - Environments and Control Considerations, Rockwell International

215 Alberti, P. W., Personal Hearing Protection in Industry, Raven Press, New York, 1982

216 OSHA Field Operations Manual, OSHA, Dept. of Commerce

217 ANSI S1.2-1962 (R1976), American National Standard Method for the Physical Measurement of Sound, ANSI, Acoustic Society of America, 8-20-62

218  * BS 6472: 1984, British Standard Guide: Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration in Building Mechanical Engineering Standards Comm., British Stands. Inst., 1984

219  * ANSI S1.10-1966 (R1976), American National Standard Method for the Calibration of Microphones, ANSI, Acoustical Society of America, 1966

220 ASA S1.11-1966, American Standard Specification for Octave, Half-Octave, and Third-Octave Band Filter Sets, American Standards Association, Acoustic Society of America

221 MIL-S-3151, Sound-Level Measuring and Analyzing Equipment

222 ANSI S3.5-1969 (R1978), American National Standard Methods for the Calculation of the Articulation Index, ANSI, Acoustic Society of America, 1978

223  * NASA RP 1115, Krytor, K.D., Physiological, Psychological, and Social Effects of Noise, NASA - LaRC, 7-84

224  * Stevens, D.G., Vibroacoustic Habitability of Space Stations, NASA - LaRC, 8-30-83

225 JSC 32003, Space Station Viewport Study - First Edition, Space and Life Sciences Directorate, NASA - JSC, 12-85

226 NASA CR-160861, Roebuck, J. A., Shuttle Considerations for the Design of Large Space Structures, Rockwell International Corp., NASA-JSC, 11-80

227 LEMSCO 21493, The Historical Development and Human Factors Evaluative Design Criteria of Intravehicular Crew Restraints and Positioning Devices, LEMSCO, NASA - JSC, 3-85

228  * Medical Requirements of an In-flight Medical System for Space Station, NASA - JSC

229  * Space Station Health Maintenance Facility Status Update, Medical Operations Branch, NASA - JSC, 2-86

230  * HMF STATUS, Space Station Health Maintenance Subsystems, NASA - JSC, 2-86

231  * HMF (Health Maintenance Facility) Requirements Documents, NASA - JSC, 11-85

232  * Microbiology Requirements and Specifications for Space Station, Biomedical Laboratories Branch, NASA - JSC, 2-14-86

233  * Particulates, Biomedical Laboratories Branch, NASA - JSC

234 Microbiology, Biomedical Laboratories Branch, NASA - JSC

235  * JSC 30203, Space Station Program Office On-Orbit Maintenance Operations Plan, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp., NASA - JSC, 2-21-86

236 LMSC/D927646, Development of Reliability/Maintainability Guidelines, Final Report, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, NASA - JSC 11-18-83

237 AFSC-PAM 800-39, Built-in-Test Design Guide, Departments of the Army, N, 3-19-81

238  * Lusk, J., Maintainability Design Requirements, MSFC (Draft), NASA - MSFC, 11-85

239 EPRI NP-4350s, Pack, R.W., et al, Human Engineering Design Guidelines for Maintainability, General Physics Corp., Elec. Pwr. Res. Inst., 12-31-85

240 ISBNO-03-070741-2, Stine, H.G., Handbook for Space Colonists Holt, Rinehart, and Winst 1985

241  * D180-28182-1, Bluth, B.J. Soviet Space Stations as Analogs, National Behavior Systems, Boeing Aerospace Company 10-83

242 Health Maintenance Facility Data Requirement, Phase 2 Data Book (Draft), Lockheed Missiles and Space, 1-86

243 SSCBD/SSCN BG030038, Establish Servicing Facility Requirements

244 JSC 30000, Sec. 5, App. D, Space Station Program Definition andRequirements, Section 5: Space Station Mission Integration Requirements, NASA - JSC, 12-9-85

245 Toxicology, Biomedical Laboratories Branch, NASA - JSC

246 JSC, 07700, Rev. D, Space Shuttle System Payload Accommodations, Vol. XIV, NASA-JSC

247 NASA CR-2160, Brown, N. E.. Dashner, T. R., and Hayes B. C. Extravehicular Activities Guidelines and Design Criteria URS/Matrix Company NASA-MSFC 1-73

248 H-76-6 Pruett, E. C, Dodson, D. W., and Kirkpatrick, M. Extravehicular Activity Design Guidelines and Criteria Essex Corporation Essex Corporation 5-76

249  * JSC-18702 Flight Data File, Spacelab, In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist Mission Operations Directorate NASA-JSC 10-15-85


Section 250 - 299

250  * NASA Judgment Call NASA - JSC

251   NASA CR-167614 Nash, J.D., Wilde, R.C., and King, K.R. Study of EVA Operations Associated with Satellite Services Hamilton Standard NASA-JSC 4-82

252  JSC 18201 Rouen, M.N., and King, K.R. The Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit Proc. of the Satellite Services Workshop NASA-JSC and Hamilton Standard NASA-JSC 6-82

253  * JSC-19212 Satellite Services Handbook: Interface Guidelines Lockheed Missiles and Space Company NASA-JSC 12-23-83

254   Santy, P. The Journey Out and In: Psychiatry and Space Exploration Am. J. Psychiatry, 140 5-83

255   NASA TM X-58067 Kanas, N.A., and Fedderson, W.E. Behavioral Psychiatric and Sociological Problems of Long Duration Space Missions NASA-JSC 10-71

256  * Psychological, Sociological, and Habitability Issues of Long Duration Space Missions Dept. of Behavioral Science & Leadership, USAF Acad. NASA-JSC 1-85

257  * Parker, J.F., Christensen, D., Sheehan, B.M. U.S. Naval Flight Surgeon's Manual (Second Edition - 1970) Biotechnology, Inc. Office of Naval Research 1978

258 Code of Federal Regulations, Aeronautics and Space, Vol. 14, Parts 1 to 59 Office of the Fed. Reg. 1-1-85

259  * Space Transportation System User Handbook NASA 5-82

260  * D180-28806-3 Advanced EVA System Design Requirements Study, Final Report, Vol. III Boeing Aerospace Company Boeing Aerospace Company 3-3-86

261  * D180-28402-1 Jones, H.V. Space Station Habitability Design Recommendations, Vol. I & Vol. II Boeing Aerospace Company Boeing Aerospace Company 11-15-84

262  * JSC-18201 Rouen, M.N., and King, K.R. Satellite Services Workshop NASA-JSC and Hamilton Standard NASA-JSC 6-82

263  * NASA CR-167614 Nash, J.D., Wilde, R.C., and King, K.R. Study of EVA Operations Associated With Satellite Services Hamilton Standard NASA-JSC 4-82

264  * SSCN JJ020011 Covington, C. EVA/Airlock Medical Requirements Section of JSC 31000 JSC Systems Engineering Office NASA-JSC 10-15-85

265  * Slade, H.G, and Newman, R.L. Shuttle EMU Capabilities for Satellite Servicing Hamilton Standard and ILC 8-85

266  * H-76-5 Malone, J.B. et al External Operations, Maintenance and Repair (OMR) Mode Selection Criteria Essex Corporation NASA-MSFC 5-10-76

267  The NOAA Diving Manual - Diving for Science and Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. U.S. Dept of Commerce

268  * Herbert R. Hazard U. S. Navy Diving - Gas Manual Battelle Memorial Institute National Technical Inform

269   ASME Ocean Tech Div/USN/Marine Tech Soc/Battelle The Working Diver - 1974 Marine Technology Society Marine Technology Society

270   Buoni, Space Station Contamination in Pressurized Environments: Issues and Options Battelle Columbus Laboratories NASA/KSC

271   Churchill, E., Kikta, P., Churchill, T. Intercorrelations of Anthropometric Measurements: A source Book for USA Data Webb Associates, Inc. A/F Aerospace Medical Res 5-78

272  * Martin, A. D., Drinkwater, D. T., Clarys, J. P. Human Body Surface Area: Validation of Formulae Based on a Cadaver Study Human Biology Wayne State University Pr 9-84

273  * FAA-AM-83-16 Young, J. W. Anthropometric and Mass DistributionCharacteristics of the Adult Female FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute FAA 9-83

274  * AMRL-TR-74-102 Churchill, E. Sampling and Data Gathering Strategies for Future USAF Anthropometry Webb Associates, Inc. A/F Aerospace Medical Res 2-76

275  * Roebuck, J. A., Kroemer, K. H. E., Thomson, W. G. Engineering Anthropometry Methods John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1975

276  * AF AMRL-TR-180-119 McConville, John Anthropometric Relationships of Body and Body Segments Moments of Inertia Anthropology Research Project, Inc. A/F Aerospace Medical Res 12-80

277  * JSC 30213 Space Station Program Design Criteria and Practices Space Station Program Office NASA-JSC 4-15-86

278  * JSC 30000 Sec. 3 App. C Space Station Program Definition and Requirements Section 3: Space Station Systems Requirements (Rev B) Space Station Program Office NASA-JSC 4-15-86

279  * DOD-HDBK-761 Human Engineering Guidelines for Management Information Systems (Metric) DOD 6-28-85

280  * DeHart, Roy, M.D. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine Lea and Febiger

281  * TB Med 501 Hearing Conservation Headquarters. Department of the Army U.S. Government Printing 3-15-80

282   ASHRAE Handbook 1984, Systems ASHRAE 1984

283  * Vol. 2, #3; Vol. 2, #4; Vol. 3, #1 Backteman, O., Kohler, J. Sjoberg, L. Infrasound - Tutorial and Review Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration 1983

284  * Bennet, G.L., Lombardo, J.J. and Rock, B.J. Development and Use of Nuclear Power Sources for Space Applications. The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp 321-342, Oct.-Dec., 1981.

285  * Fry, R.J.M. Approaches to Radiation Guidelines for Space Travel Advances in Space Research, Vol. 4, No. 10 Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Pergamon Press 1984

286  * Hall, Eric Radiobiology for the Radiologist Harper and Row 1978

287  * NASA TM 86265 Townsend, L.W. Galactic Heavy-Ion Shielding Using Electrostatic Fields NASA - Langley Research Center 1984

288  * Bernet, R. E. and Stekly, Z. J. Magnetic Radiation Shielding Using Superconducting Coils in NASA SP-71 Second Symposium on Protection Against Radiation in Space 1965.

289  * D180-28806-3 Thompson, J.J. Space Station Advanced EVA Systems Design Requirements Boeing Aerospace Company 1986.

290  * FED-STD-595 Color.


292  * Broch, J.T. Mechanical Vibration and Shock Measurements Bruel & Kjaer Instruments, Inc. Bruel & Kjaer Instruments 10/80.

293   Guignard, John C. Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology John Wiley & Sons.

294  * Rasmussen, G. Human Body Vibration Exposure and its Measurement Technical Review Bruel & Kjaer Instruments, Inc. 1982.

295  * Peterson, A. F.. Handbook of Noise Measurement - 9th. Edition General Radio, Inc. 1980.

296  * S3-W-39 Godlman, D. E. and Von Gierke, H. E. The Effects of Shock and Vibration on Man Naval Medical Research Institute U.S.A. Standards Institute 1-8-60

297  * Graf, R.F. Electronic Databook: A Guide for Designers, Second Edition Van Nostrand Reinhold 1974

298  * ANSI C95.1-1982 American National Standard Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency IEEE 1982

299  * Wilkening, G.M. Commentary on the Non-ionizing Radiations Proc. SPIE, Vol. 229 Society of Photo-Optical Inst

Top Section 300 - 349


300  * Review of Concepts, Quantities, Units and Terminology for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Health Physics 49 Intl. Rad. Protec. Association 1985

301  * Preliminary Report and Forecasting of Solar Geophysical Data - Descriptive Text Space Environmental Services Center US Dept. of Commerce 6-86

302  * Interim Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency Range From 100 kHz to 300 kHz Health Physics, Vol. 46 IRPA 4-84

303  * Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to Laser Radiation of Wavelengths Between 180 nm and 1 mm Health Physics, Vol. 49 IRPA 8-85

304  * Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation of Wavelengths Between 180 - 400 nm (Incoherent Optical Radiation) Health Physics, Vol. 49 IRPA 8-85

305  * ANSI Z.136.1 Safe Use of Lasers ANSI 1980

306  * Rationale for the Threshold Limit Values of Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work Environment American Conf. of Government Industry, 1982.

307  * AMRL-TR-75-32 Laubach, Lloyd L. Muscular Strength of Women and Men: A Comparative Study Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1976.

308  * ST-E-1321 Japanese Female Body Size Natl Space Development Agency of Japan, 06-05-86

309  * Edited by Altman, P.L. and Fisher, K.D. Research Opportunities in Nutrition and Metabolism in Space Fed. of Amer. Societies for Exp.

310  * AMRL-TR-77-50 Kenneth Kennedy Reach Capability of Men & Women: A Three Dimensional Analysis Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, 7-78.

311  * Trabanino, R. Space Station Galley Design Proceedings, 16th ICES Conference Society of Automotive Engineers, 8-86.

312  * Winkler, E.H. Shuttle Waste Management System Design Improvements and Flight Evaluation Proceedings, 16th ICES Conference Society of Automotive Engineers, 8-86.

313  * Thornton, W.E. Improved Waste Collection System for Space Flight Proceedings, 16th ICES Conference Society of Automotive Engineers, 8-86.

314   Orbiter Location Coding Control Drawing Number VC70-660010 Rockwell International Corporation.

315  * NAG2-346 Wise, J. A. Quantitative Modeling of Human Spatial Habitability NASA - Ames Research Center, 12-85.

316  * NAS2-11690 Stuster, J.W. Space Station Habitability Recommendations Based on a Systematic Comparative Analysis of Analogous Conditions Anacapa Sciences, Inc. NASA - Ames Research Center, 12-84.

317  * D180-28182-1 Soviet Space Stations as Analogs Boeing Aerospace Co., 10-83


319  * MDC H2068 Tullis T.S., and Bied, B.R. Space Station Functional Relationships Analysis - Final Technical Report McDonnell Douglas Astrona 2-86.

320  * GIAG-3 Technical Panel Instructions, 8-23-86.

321  * SS-SRD-600, REV. RUR-1.A Space Station Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS), Systems Requirements Document NASA-MSFC.

322  * Life Systems, Cleveland, Ohio Graph - CO2 Partial Pressure Increase Without CO2 Removal Life Systems, Cleveland, Ohio Life Systems, Cleveland, 1983.

323  * 9-BF-10-4-01P Space Station Definition and Preliminary Design Request for Proposal NASA-JSC NASA, 9-15-84.

324  * Natural and Induced Environments Panel Meeting International Environment Working Group (JSC) NASA - JSC, 2-19-86.

325  * DWG 4380001, Rev A Glazing - Window, Photographic, SAL Actron Industries, Inc. NASA-JSC, 7-12-71.

326  * Cox, John Space Station Program Description Document, Book No. 6, Appendix B, System Operations Sp. Sta. Operations Working Group NASA, 8-83.

327  * Thompson, A. B. The Physiological Stresses of Vibration, Noise Acceleration and Weightlessness on Space Crews - Tolerance Criteria Vought Astronautics/LTV, Inc. Vought Astronautics/LTV, 1962.

328  * Mc Cormack, P. D. Radiation Pose Prediction for Space Station Proceedings of 16th ICES, 7-86.

329  * ICRP Publication 26 Recommendations of the Intl. Commission on Radiological Protection Annals of the ICRP ICRP Pergamon Press, 1-77

330  * Silberg, R., et. al. LET - Distributions and Doses of HZE Radiation Components at Near-Earth Orbits Advances in Space Research, Vol. 4, #10 Committee on Space Research Pergamon Press, 1984.

331   ASHRAE Transactions Fanger, P. O. Calculation of Thermal Comfort: Introduction of a Basic Comfort Equation ASHRAE Transactions Lab of Heating. & Ventilation Tech University of Denmark ASHRAE, 1967.

332  * Thompson A. B. A Time-Sharing Computer Program for Defining Human Thermal Comfort Conditions in any Atmosphere Apollo & Ground Systems, G.E. ASME 1972 Env. Control/Li, 8-15-72.

333  * IAA 8220 Novak, L. Skin Temperature and Thermal Comfort in Weightlessness AIAA Lab of Appl. Physiological Sci, Polish AIAA, 1982.

334  * IAA 8011 Baranski, S, et. al. Investigation of the Cooling Properties of the Spacecraft Atmosphere Postepy Astronautyki Woiskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczet WIML, 1979.

335  * Woodson, W., Conover, D. W. Human Engineering Guide for Equipment Design, 2nd. Edition Univ. of Calif. Press, 1964.

336  * Boff, K.R., et al (Editors) Handbook of Perception and Human Performance Wiley-Interscience, 1986.

337  * Graham (Editor) Vision and Visual Perception John Wiley and Sons, 1966.

338  * Hecht, Haig, and Chase The Influence of Light-Adaptation on Subsequent Dark Adaptation J. General Physiology, 1937.

339  * 72-ENAv-13 Behrend, A.F., Swider, J.E. Development of a Waste Collection System for the Space Shuttle ASME, 6-1-73.

340   Boyce, P.R. Human Factors in Lighting MacMillan Publishing Co., 1981.

341  * Doolittle, T.L., Spurlin, O. Trends in Ergonomics / Human Factors III Elsevier Science Publisher.

342   Underwood, K. Advanced EVA Systems Design Requirements Study ILC Dover, Inc., 8-25-85.

343  * Johnston, R.S., Dietlein, L.F. Biomedical Results from Skylab NASA - JSC US Government Printing Office, 1977.

344  * Kira, A. The Bathroom Viking Press, 1976.

345  * JSC 30000 (Draft) On-Orbit Maintenance Operations Requirements Document Space Station Program Office NASA - JSC 8-22-86.

346  * MIL-STD-1472C, Not. 3 (pro) Military Standard, Human Engineering Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment, and Facilities (Proposed Notice 3) Project HFAC-0030) US ARMY MISSILE COMMAND, 8-28-86.

347   BuAer Report AE-61-4 Fundamentals of Design of Piloted Aircraft Flight Control Systems, Vol. III, The Human Pilot Bureau of Aeronautics, 8-54.

348   JSC-17727, CSD-SS-059 Lin, C. H. Space Station Environmental Control and Life Support System, Preliminary Conceptual Design Crew Systems Div. NASA - JSC, 9-82.

349  * Environmental Health Monitoring Facility (proposed new subsection provided at NASA-STD-3000 GIAG-4) Biomedical Lab Branch, Med Sciences Division NASA - JSC, 10-27-86.

Top Section 350 - 399


350  * JSC 16536, Rev. C Orbiter Mid-deck Payload Provisions Handbook NASA-JSC.

351  * GIAG-4 Technical Panel Instructions, 10-30-86.

352   NASA CR-4010 Nixon, D. Space Station Group Activities Habitability Module Study Inst. for Future Studies NASA - ARC, 6-86.

353  * Dixon, G. A., Adams, J. D., and Harvey, W. T. Decompression Sickness and Intravenous Bubble Formation Using a 7.8 psi Simulated Pressure Suit Environment Aviation Space Environmental Medicine, 1986.

354  * NASA TM 58263 Waligora, J. M., and Horrigan, D. J. Detection of Incipient Altitude Decompression Sickness in Flight - Research and Technology Annual Report NASA-JSC 1984.

355  * Dixon, G. A., and Krutz, R. W. Female Susceptibility to Decompression Sickness and Bubble Formation Using a Simulated 7.8 psia Suit Environment Aviation Space Environmental Medicine 1986.

356  * Dixon, G. A, et al 8.3 psi Decompression Sickness Risk Evaluation and Evaluation of 9.5 psia as a Suit Pressure for Prolonged EVA NASA-JSC, 1986.

357  * Krutz, R.W., Dixon, G.A., and Harvey, W.T. Minimum Pressure for a Zero-Prebreathe Pressure Suit, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1985.

358   NASA TM 58259 Waligora, J. M., et al Verification of an Altitude Decompression Sickness Preventing Protocol for Shuttle Operations Utilizing a 10.2 psi Pressure Stage NASA-JSC, 1984.

359  * Allen, T. H., Mario, D. A., and Bancroft, R. W. Body Fats Denitrogenation and Decompression Sickness in Man Exercising After Abrupt Exposure to Altitude Aerospace Medicine, 1971.

360  * USNRC Reg. Gd. 8.8 Information Relevant to Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposures as Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) (Rev. 3) U. S. Nuc. Reg. Commission, 1978.

361  * Normane, D. Production of Activation Products in Spacecraft Components by Protons in Low Earth Orbit Transit American Nuclear Society, 11-86.

362  * Benton, E. V. Summary of Current Radiation Dosimetry Results on Manned Spacecraft Adv. in Space Research, 1984.

363   Dorland Illustrated Medical Dictionary W. B. Saunders Co., 1974.

364   NASA TMX 2440 Spalding, J. F., et al Effects of Continuous Gamma-ray Exposure on Performance of Learned Tasks and Effects of Subsequent Fractionated Exposures NASA, 1972.

365  * SP-2-86L-064 Thornton, W, and Jackson, J. Anthropometric Study of Astronaut Candidates, 1979 to 1980, (Unpublished Data) NASA-JSC.

366  * JSC 31013 Medical Requirements of an In-flight Medical System for Space Station NASA-JSC 7-14-86.

367  * Curtis, S., Atwell, W., Beever, R., and Hardy, A. Radiation Environments and Absorbed Dose Estimation on Manned Space Missions 26th Common Sp. Research, 7-86.

368  * Matesky, I. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 3rd. Ed. Intl. Labor Office, 1983.

369  * Mikolajczyle, H. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 3rd. Ed. Intl. Labor Office, 1983.

370  * (FIR) AML-005 Woolford, B. Dressing Room Anthropometric Measurement Laboratory NASA - JSC.

371  * JSC 32003 Bell, L. et al Space Station Viewport Study Bell and Trotti, Inc.

372  * Haines, R. F. Space Station Proximity Operations and Window Design NASA - Ames, 3-24-86.

373  *CSD-A-518 Lem, J. D. and Booher, C. R., Study of the Apollo Space Suite Electrical Fire Hazard Crew Systems Division NASA - JSC, 1-8-86.

374  * NASA-STD-3000 Advisory Group #1 Technical Panel Instructions, 1/14/88.

375  * Anatomy: A Regional Study of Human Structure, 4th ed. W. B. Saunders Co.

376  * Atlas of Topographical and Applied Human Anatomy; Urban & Schwarzenherg.

377  * Interior Design and Performance Stress in Three types of Mental Tasks Environment and Behavior Wise, J. A. and Rosenberg, Erika.

378  * ANSI ES1 American National Standard for Safe Current Limits for Electromedical Apparatus ANSI, 7/9/85.

379  * Data Generated as a result of NASA-STD-3000 Advisory Group #1 Direction, 6/30/81.

380  * NASA Life Sciences Data Book Webb and Associates Yellowsprings, Ohio, 6/62.

381  * Spacelab Payload Accommodation Handbook T. Lee and B. Pfeiffer NASA - Marshal Space Flight Center, 7/79.

382  * ANSI C95.1-1982 American National Standard Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 300 KHz to 100 KHz.

383  * ANSI z136.1-1986 American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers, 5/23/86.

384  * NSTS - 18798, Rev. A Interpretations of NSTS Payload Safety Requirements NASA - JSC, 4/89.

385  * Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1987-1988 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

386  * JSC 3000 Vol. IV NC Curves Handbook of Noise Figure 4-6, pp. 55 Measurements Arnold P.C. Peterson, GEN RAD Inc. Concord, MA, 1980.

387  * SSP 30000 Sec. 3 Space Station Program Definition and Requirements Section 3: Space Station Systems Requirements (Rev. G) Space Station Program Office NASA - Reston, 10/31/88.

388  * Data Generated as a Result of The Space Station Freedom Man-Systems Working Group Review of Vol. IV of the NASA-STD-3000, 1989.

389  *NASA Contractor Report 187077, An Assessment of the Space Station Freedom's Leakage Current Requirement, March 1991.

390  *Roth, E.M., NASA-CR-1205, Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment: Vol. I, Section 5, Figure 5-3. Lovelace Foundation for Med Ed & Research, NASA, November 1968.

391  *Dalziel, Charles F., "The Threshold of Perception Currents," AIEE Transactions, 73: 990 996, August 1954.

392  *MIL-STD-454M, Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment, December 15, 1989.

393  *JSCM 8080, JSC Design and Procedural Standards Manual.

394  *UL 544 Standard for Safety, Standard for Medical and Dental Equipment, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook IL, February 3, 1988.

395  *AFSC DH 1-6, Section 3H, Electrical/Electronic Systems, DN-3H1 "Safety Design Requirements," December 1, 1982.

396  *IEC 479-1, Effects of Current Passing Through The Body, 1984.

397  *Conversation between Calspan/M. Barry Greenberg, PE, and UL shock specialist Mr. Walter Skuggevig, UL: Melville, NY, October 1990.

398  *Dalziel, Charles F., "Electric Shock Hazard," IEEE Spectrum, 41-50 February 1972.

399  *NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy MA, January 12, 1990.

Top Section 400 - 419


400  *NFPA 70 National Electric Code, Article 517 "Health Care Facilities," Paragraph 517-11 "General Installation/Construction Criteria," National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, MA, January 12, 1990.

401  *NFPA 70 National Electric Code, Article 517 "Health Care Facilities," Paragraph 517-15 "Maximum Potential Difference," National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, MA, January 12, 1990.

402  *DOD-E-8983C, Electronic Equipment, Aerospace, Extended Space Environment General Specification for, General Design Requirements Paragraph 3.3.16. December 29, 1977.

403  *Contract CPSC-C-79-1034, Development of Test Equipment and Methods for Measuring Potentially Lethal and Otherwise Damaging Current Levels, October 1982. Prepared for US Consumer Product Safety Commission, Division of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Washington, DC, by Underwriters Labortories, Inc., Melville, NY.

404  *Sensitivity analyses by Calspan/M. Barry Greenberg, PE, of data presented to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in Contract CPSC-C-79-1034.

405  *NASA/Human Resource Policies and Procedures Committee (HRPPC) "Redbook" for crewmembers unable to readily remove bioinstrumentation electrodes.

406  *JSC - 32283 - Nutritional Requirements for Extended Duration Orbiter Missions (30-90 d) and Space Station Freed.

407  *Snyder, R. G., Physiological effects of impact: Man and other mammals. In P.L. Altman & D.S. Dittmer (Eds.), Environmental biology. AMRL-TR-66-194, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1966(b).

408  *Synder, R. G., Human tolerances to extreme impacts in free fall Aerospace Medicine, 1963, 34(8), 695-709.

409  *Snyder, R. G., & Snow, C. C., Fatal injuries resulting from extreme water impact. Aerospace Medicine, 1967, 38(8), 779-783.

410  *IEEE C95.1-1991- "IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz", April 27, 1992.

411  *Space Radiation Analysis Group, SN31, JSC.

412  *Smart, D. F. & Shea, M.A., Private Communication (Note: Missing Figure may be same as Figure

413  *Reedy, R. et. al., "Solar Particle Events During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 22, Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Environment Models and Methods, Part I, Huntsville, Alabama, April 16-18, 1991 .

414  *Golightly, M.M. , Hardy, A. C., and Hardy, K., "Results of Time Resolved Radiation Exposure Measurements made During US Shuttle Mission with a Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter," Advances in Space Research, Volume 14, No. 10, pages 923-926, 1994.

415  *Chambers, R. M., & Hitchcock, L. The effects of acceleration on pilot performance. NADC-MA-6219, Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pennsylvania, 1963 (Attached to Fig.

416  *ICRP Report 60, "1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Protections (ICRP).

417  * Smedal, H.A., et. al. The Physiological Limitations of Performance During Acceleration, Aerospace Medicine, June 1963.

418  * Hyde, Alvin S., The Effect of Back Angle, Molded Support, and Staged Evisceration Upon Intrapulmonary Pressure in Dogs and a Monkey During Forward (+Gx) Acceleration, Tech. Doc. Report AMRL-TDR 62-106, September, 1962.

419  * Acceleration and Deceleration, Biological or BioMedical Epitones, Physiology, Volume 2, 1954-1967.


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