Appendix H - Video User's Guide
"Living and Working in
Space" is a narrated video that provides a wide scope general introduction to
microgravity human factors/human engineering issues. The video illustrates various man-systems integration problems that have been identified during
Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle manned space flights.
video, prepared by the ex-Skylab astronauts, Bill Pogue and Jerry Carr, for the
Boeing Aerospace Company, is specifically designed to create awareness of the basic microgravity
considerations for workers involved in planning, engineering, and design work
who are new to space programs. The
content is biased towards the specific requirements of the Space Station and
other long-duration space flights.
contents of the videotape are provided via the
web page in the links below. Individual scenes have been itemized to
provide easily accessed and categorized views of on-orbit crew activities.
are 3 lists that are to be used for locating human factors information in these
The video scenes
are listed by number. Links to applicable Volume I paragraphs are
associated with each scene.
video scenes are provided in common groupings.
video scenes are listed by associated paragraph in Volume I.