Volume I, Section 1
{A} For a description of the notations, see Acceleration
This section contains the following topics:
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Overview
1.3 Scope, Precedence,
and Limitations
1.4 How to Use the Documents
This document provides specific user information to ensure
proper integration of the man-system interface requirements
with those of other aerospace disciplines. These man-system
interface requirements apply to launch, entry, on-orbit,
and extraterrestrial space environments. This document is
intended for use by design engineers, systems engineers,
maintainability engineers, operations analysts, human factors
specialists, and others engaged in the definition and development
of manned space programs.
Concise design considerations, design requirements and
design examples are provided. Requirements specified herein
are applicable to all U.S. manned-space flight programs.
This document replaces earlier NASA field center human
engineering standards documents (e.g., MSFC-STD-512A, Man/System
Requirements for Weightless Environments; JSC-07387B, Crew
Station Specifications). This document also incorporates
human engineering standards and guidelines from many other
NASA, military, and commercial human engineering standards
applicable to the space environments described above.
The document volumes have been extracted from a relational
data base.
(Refer to Paragraph
1.3, Scope, Precedence, and Limitations, for description
of the documents.)
The NASA-STD-3000 was created to provide a single, comprehensive
document defining all generic requirements for space facilities
and related equipment which directly interface with crewmembers.
The depth and breadth with which the NASA-STD-3000 covers
the field of human factors as related to the space environment
is easily seen in the following overview of the documents
The chapter on Anthropometry and Biomechanics presents
quantitative information about human body size, posture,
movements, surface area, and mass projected to the year
The chapter on Human Performance Capabilities documents
the significant ways the performance capabilities of humans
may change when they go into space.
The chapter on Natural and Induced Environments documents
the conditions to which a crewmember will be exposed during
space flight. These include atmospheric composition, microgravity
and acceleration effects, and acceptable noise, vibrations,
radiation, and thermal levels.
The chapter on Crew Safety deals with general safety concerns
as they relate directly to the crewmember.
The chapter on Health Management discusses the measures
that must be taken to maintain the health of the crewmembers.
The chapter on Architecture discusses the placement, arrangement,
and grouping of compartments and crew stations in space
modules, including design data for items which integrate
these various areas. These include traffic flow and translation
paths hatches and doors, location and orientation cures,
and mobility aids and restraints.
The chapter on Workstations covers workstation design,
including layout, controls, displays, labeling and coding,
and user/computer interface.
The chapter on Activity Centers discusses design and layout
requirements for off-duty crew stations in the space module.
These include facilities for personal hygiene, body waste
management, meetings, recreation, microgravity countermeasures,
medical treatment, laundry, trash management, and storage
facilities, also crew quarters, galley, and wardroom.
The chapter on Hardware and Equipment provides information
concerning tools, drawers and racks, closures, mounting
hardware, handles and grasp areas, restraints, mobility
aids, fasteners, connectors, windows, packaging, crew personal
equipment, and cable management.
The chapter entitled Design for Maintainability covers
general equipment design requirements; physical access;
visual access; removal, replacement, and modularity requirements
fault and isolation requirements; test point design; and
requirements for a maintenance data management system.
The chapter on Facility Management covers housekeeping,
inventory control, and information management.
The chapter on General EVA Information establishes guidelines
for extravehicular activity which is defined as any activity
performed by a pressure-suited crewmember in unpressurized
or space environments.
Although written for application to the space environment,
much of the information contained in the NASA-STD-3000 has
obvious applicability to human interface/engineering problems
encountered in terrestrial environments. Use of the NASA-STD-3000
in man-systems types of applications in one-g is encouraged
as long as the user recognized the instances in which special
consideration has been given to the micro-g environment
in the document.
The NASA-STD-3000 will be kept current through an annual
review process in which all users of the documents are invited
to participate.
a. Document Scope - The overall documentation is contained
in several volumes. Each document has a purpose, and each
has been assembled from the data contained in Volume I.
A videotape is also available as an adjunct to this documentation
(see figure
The title and scope of each volume are given below:
NASA-STD-3000, Volume I - Man-Systems
Integration Standards
This document contains man-systems integration design considerations,
design requirements, and example design solutions for development
of manned space systems. This is a NASA-level standards
document which is applicable to all manned space programs
and is not limited to any specific NASA, military, or commercial
NASA-STD-3000, Volume II - Man-Systems
Integration Standards - Appendices
This volume contains the appendices which pertain to the
NASA-STD-3000, and is organized as follows:
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Paragraph
Appendix C Glossary
Appendix D Abbreviations
and Acronym
Appendix E Units
of Measure and Conversion Factors
Appendix F Deleted
Appendix G Acceleration
Regime Applicability
Appendix H Videotape
Users Guide
Appendix I Deleted
Appendix J Keywords
Appendix K Deleted
(Refer to Paragraph 1.4.3,
Appendices, for description of these appendices.)
NASA-STD-3000, Volume III, Man-Systems Integration Standards
- Design Handbook
This volume, is a condensed field guide of pertinent quantitative
data extracted from Volume 1.
50005, International Space Station Flight Crew Integration
Standard (NASA-STD-3000/T)
This document serves as the International Space Station
(ISS) program contractually binding man systems integration
design requirements. The data in this document are a subset
of the data found in Volume I and defines the firm requirements
which are pertinent to the ISS program only.
1.3-1 NASA-STD-3000 Documents

b. Precedence - Unless otherwise specified, the man-systems
integration standards in the requirements subsections take
precedence over the provisions in other documents referenced
by the system specifications.
In many topical sections, cross references are cited that
refer the user from an IVA (Intravehicular Activity) topical
section to a related EVA (Extravehicular Activity) topical
section, and vice versa. There will be some cases where
IVA equipment and facilities will be used in an EVA mode
of operation during a contingency situation, e.g., passageways.
Where the reader must interpret requirements, that apply
to both EVA and IVA, it is important to understand that
a section applying to an EVA requirement is more stringent.
EVA requirements should not be compromised by using IVA
standards for EVA equipment or the reverse, i.e., over-designing
IVA equipment by backlashing EVA requirements on IVA equipment.
c. Limitations - Applicable sections of reference documents
cited in the Requirements subsections are considered contractually
binding as well. Those given in the Introduction, Design
Considerations, and Example Design Solutions subsections
should be considered reference material and, therefore,
not contractually binding unless specified by the contracting
1.4 HOW TO
{A }
1.4.1 Generic Topical Organization
A generic organization has been adopted for most topics.
There are generally four generic subsections for each topic:
- Introduction
- Design Considerations
- Design Requirements
- Example Design Solutions
The content of each of these four generic subsections is
shown in Figure 1.4.1-1 and
described below.
The INTRODUCTION subsection provides a synopsis of the
scope of topical material covered in the section. The reader
is referred to other sections where related material can
be found.
The DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS subsection provides background
material that helps the user understand the rationale behind
the requirements. This subsection may contain discussions
of the environments pertinent to the topic and other tutorial
information. This is where guidelines, recommendations and
other nonbinding provisions (the shoulds) are given. The
words design considerations appear in most of these paragraph
The DESIGN REQUIREMENTS subsection provides the firm, contractually
binding standards, requirements, and criteria (the shalls).
These subsections are highlighted by using a sans serif-type
font in the paragraph title, and using an italics font in
the text.
The EXAMPLE DESIGN SOLUTIONS subsection is used where appropriate
to illustrate and describe typical examples of how the requirements
have been implemented in prior manned spacecraft.
1.4.1-1 Almost Every Topical Subsection Utilizes 'Generic'

1.4.2 Locating Data for a Specific Topic
In this document, there are several ways to locate information
for a specific topic or topical area (see
Figure 1.4.2-1):
a. Use the table OF contentS. The TOP LEVEL table of contents
is found at the front of Volume 1. This top level table
of contents shows only the first 2 levels of indenture of
the 14 chapters.
b. Use the TAB DIVIDERS to go directly to the chapters.
The detailed table of contents for the chapter is located
behind the tab divider.
c. Use the KEYWORDS INDEX found in Appendix J of Volume
II - The alphabetized keyword list in this appendix lists
the paragraph numbers and titles that contain data applicable
to each of the keywords.
d. Follow the (e.g., "Refer to Paragraph........")
statements to find other related data.
1.4.2-1 How to Locate Topical Data in NASA-STD-3000 Documents

{A} References
The references used as the basis for the data contained
in the database and documents are listed in
Appendices A and
B of Volume II:
1. This is the full bibliography of references used or
examined during the development of the data.
2. References that were cited are listed in boldface type
1. This appendix lists the paragraph numbers in numerical
2. Each reference used as a basis for the data in the paragraph
is cited by the reference number.
3. For each reference, the specific location where data
were obtained (section, paragraph, and/or page number) is
cited. Glossary, Acronyms, Units of Measure, and Conversion
Definitions will be found in one of the following appendices
in Volume II:
Acceleration Regimes - Applicability
One of the unique features of the database is that every
paragraph has been coded as the applicable acceleration
regimes. At the beginning of each paragraph, a notation
is made in brackets { } with one or two of the following
O = Orbital = the microgravity acceleration environments
encountered in orbital and very low acceleration transorbital
L = Launch/Entry = the multi-G launch, entry, and abort
acceleration environments.
P = Planetary = the G-loads encountered on the moon and
Mars. Long-term, low-level accelerations encountered in
some transorbital flight operations may be applicable. An
artificial gravity system may also fall into this acceleration
A = All = this regime includes all of the above plus one-g
acceleration environment.
Appendix G in Volume II contains a matrix that lists all
of the paragraphs and identifies which of these acceleration
regimes are applicable. This list will be very useful when
identifying man-system integration requirements for new
space systems that have peculiar acceleration environments. Unresolved Data Problems and Issues (TBD) Videotape Users Guide
A videotape has been made that illustrates the various
man-systems integration problems that have been identified
during Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle manned space
flights. The videotape contains scenes from on-orbit crew
The videotape has a clock and notations of paragraph numbers
from this document that correlate to the topics illustrated
in the video.
A videotape users guide is provided in Appendix H of Volume
II that lists the time, paragraph numbers, and paragraph
1.4.4 Document Acquisition and Maintenance
Copies of this document and the videotape can be obtained
in one of two ways:
a. This document can be reproduced without any restrictions.
b. Electronic copies of the document and video clips can
be obtained from NASA at the following address:
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
NASA-STD-3000 Custodian
Mail Code SF3
2101 NASA Road One
Houston, TX 77058-3696
Contact Us
Users are encouraged to use the Recommendations and Comments
form found at the back of each document to bring to the
NASA-STD-3000 Custodians attention any discrepancies, problems,
or issues related to the use of the documentation, videotape,
or database.
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